Sunday, November 13, 2011

Super Mario Sound Wall

Super Mario Sound Wall Video Clips.

So I got these awesome wall decals from and after they were put up, we really wanted to "Play" Super Mario. So we made it so the wall is interactive! So now, if you walk in my office and jump up to touch a coin or mushroom, they make the actual sound from the game! The speaker is in the ceiling tile right by the door. And yes, I am aware how high the nerd factor is on this one! Update 04.30.2011 Okay, so everyone always wants to know how I did this. So after over a year, I will finally let everyone know. I am not going to get too technical with step by step, but I will give everyone enough to get started. I will list my equipment and software, but there are many other setups and software that would work as well. 1. You will need a computer. I used an old iBook. 2. You will need a webcam. I used an old iSight connected to the iBook. 3. You will need speakers. I used some cheapy USB ones. 4. You will need some webcam software capable of motion sensing movement. I used EvoCam by 5. You will need to download sound clips of your sounds. I just searched around on Google until I found some .aif files of Super Mario Sounds 6. Now that you have everything, it's pretty simple. You point the wecam at your wall. The higher to the ceiling the better. In your webcam software you setup multiple "motion sensor" boxes over the objects you want to make noise. For the actions, make it play the appropriate audio clip. That's it! It will take you some ...

Keywords: super mario, blik,

pressure cooker canning instructions

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